Are your actions, feelings, and ideas in harmony with the future you want for yourself? Will these actions, feelings, and ideas provide a sustainable foundation for your goal? Are you willing to stick with your decisions long enough to allow things to gel?
In order to change one’s life, strength is required. Strength is the idea of persistence or tenacity – the ability to hold to a selected course. It is this tenacity that serves to increase your faith in your ability to affirm the best for yourself.

Does your goal involve other people? If so, have you ever thought about the fact that each person in an organization is like a cell in a body? Consequently, your actions, your state of mind, and the words you speak affect the entire organization. You each contribute to the consciousness that will draw your success to you. There is always resistance to any goal, and that resistance strives to keep things the same. Giving in to it is so easy, and that is why one of the twelve Divine Ideas is strength. It keeps you on your path, moving toward your goal with an expectant heart and mind. You may have to gently remind each other as you move forward, and that's okay. After all, you are all in this together.