Paranormal Thrillers
Second Chances by Dannye Williamsen
Suspense, evil vs. goodness, paranormal abilities, introspection, romance. One-stop reading!
Despite what others may believe about Fredrika Marsh, she is not a type A personality. She’s more of a type X personality, which means she possesses strengths from several types of personalities. She’s a bit of a chameleon. She adapts to life. She’s a survivor. It doesn’t mean she doesn’t have issues or negative tendencies like everyone else. She simply chooses to utilize whatever strengths will help her survive, physically and emotionally. The mix of Type C traits [detail-oriented, logical, prepared, creative, loves challenges, wants to know how things work] and Type A traits [multi-tasker, passionate, competitive with herself, intuitive] make her work as a technical analyst in commodities shine. The appearance of a ghostly apparition, who appears to be stalking her, contrary to all logic, dismantles the carefully built controls she has created in her world. Negative emotional reactions are triggered. Coupled with the bizarre death of her assistant, Freddie is thrust into a frantic struggle to survive. Although she doesn't realize it, her hope of survival lies within herself, but she does not have to meet this challenge alone. Her quirky friend, Jodi Minton, introduces her to a path that challenges Freddie’s logical mind when she encounters an Avatar in the form of a wolf. Struggling to reconcile what seems impossible, she is forced to embrace the powers she has squashed since childhood. The ghostly apparition, Darian, is in a misguided pursuit of the life force of others. He believes it will help him achieve what the Master within him desires – to become one with the Power. Born out of the perversity and abuse of his childhood, Darian’s continuing lust for power is seduced by sex, a source of life force energy he has never explored. His quest results in the deaths of seven women and the uncertain love for another. However, it is his discovery of a biological connection to Fredrika Marsh, which he believes is guaranteed to make him one with the Power and draws Fredrika into a collision course with her worst nightmare. The final spectral confrontation between Fredrika and Darian will determine whether either of them will survive to enjoy a second chance at love and life.
The Threads That Bind by Dannye Williamsen
Life is like a patchwork quilt. Each patch, each experience, each life is connected to all the others by the threads that bind them together." — The Book of Metanoia
In Second Chances, the tapestry that weaves the lives of the characters together began. The Threads That Bind takes place 39 years later when the next two generations find themselves entangled once again. By quirk of fate, Mandy Gray, whose last and best friend was Freddie Marsh, departs her secluded profession as a research psychologist in 2019. She takes a position as a guidance counselor at Briarton Academy where the orphaned and wealthy Jillian Missildine is a student. Despite the age difference, they become fast friends, but it is four years before they discover the thread that connects them. Once this connection is made, all the others - those connected to the past through Freddie and her nemesis - flow swiftly toward each other. The patterns of their lives become tangled and knotted, and the decision has to be made about who will survive. On a personal note...
I wrote Second Chances many years ago. Once I had a lot more writing under my belt, I went back to it, rewriting and enjoying every minute of it. In the process, The Threads That Bind simply flowed out of the first. My other writings were nonfiction at the time, and I discovered that it is true there is something special about weaving a tale that is totally unique to your own imagination. There were times when I was writing about the evil characters in these books when I had to take a break because their personalities were overwhelming me. There were times when I cried with my characters and times when I laughed with them just as I would have if they were literally in the room with me. There is an addictive aspect to writing fiction: it’s the high you feel from being so intimate with the thoughts and feelings of your characters, who have become totally real to you. I hope you enjoy the ride as much as I did!
Contemporary Thriller
Invisible Shadows by Dannye Williamsen
Allegra Harris has never really thought about marriage until she meets Harper Frost during a land deal negotiation. Allegra is a top-notch negotiator and is justifiably proud of having reached the position of Senior Vice-President of Security Land Investments. Harper’s deal falls through, so she is startled when Harper keeps asking her out even though she has no time for relationships. Harper turns out to be as career-focused as she, and the two of them fall into an easy rhythm. Having felt alone most of her life, Allegra doesn’t recognize the superficiality of their marriage. She feels content because neither makes demands on the other’s time.
That is, until Allegra discovers she is pregnant. For the first time, she experiences a love that actively competes for the attention she’s always reserved for her work. Chloe’s birth shines a new light on hers and Harper’s lives and creates a shift in their marriage, but she still believes she loves Harper. Still, the loss of her nest egg to shore up his business lingers in the back of her mind as her need to protect her daughter’s future grows. Everything moves along routinely until the day she receives a phone call from the NTSB. It seems Harper is presumed dead in a plane crash in the Atlantic Ocean while on a flight to Nassau. With no body found, Allegra’s life is turned upside down. Trying to handle his affairs, she discovers she did not know her husband at all. The more she tries to tie up loose ends, the more stray threads she discovers. Threads that lead to more questions: Did Harper Frost ever really exist? Is he still alive? Is he dangerous? |
Circles of Freedom by Dannye Williamsen
James Goodroe, retired from U.S. Foreign Service, lauded Circles of Freedom: “Whether one inclines to the Left or Right (or somewhere in the moderate middle) in their political beliefs, this is an exceptionally well-paced, well-written, and thought-provoking topical work which will stay with the reader long after they have read the final chapter. Highly recommended!”
Brandon Boehle decides to strike a blow for truth in a time when truth is being passed over for convenient lies. He has no idea of the loss, the love, and ,the chaos it will set in motion. When the dominoes start to topple, there's a race to survive for friend and foe alike. Boehle organizes what he calls circles of freedom. These are blogs written by professionals in multiple domains, who remain anonymous to the readers. Brandon has used the best technology to keep the bloggers from being tracked by putting himself as the only possible target. He never imagines, however, that a mercenary hired by the President of the United States would be out to kill not only him, but his assistant, Alise Winston, and the professionals who are writing the blogs. What started out as a simple, though carefully safeguarded, effort to get the truth out there has put all of them in the crosshairs. He quickly realizes that his expectations of the United States government have been naïve. The contract put out on the Circles of Freedom authors turns out to be the least of the worries for the country. A nefarious plot is uncovered by Boehle to overthrow the government, and the players believe themselves to be untouchable. Circumstances draw Brandon and Alise and all those closest to them into this dark plot. Their only hope lies in a twist of fate. |