All actions in life are responses to needs. Those needs may be physical or psychological/spiritual. As a spiritual teacher and author, my perspective is based on the belief that we are "spiritual beings having a human experience." So, naturally, when I observe an event in the world, I look toward the psychological/spiritual to see the threads that are influencing the intention behind the event.
When I look at the world in this way, I see a lattice of threads that connect us all in many different ways. As I watch someone struggling to grow their business, I see the newly-formed threads their business efforts are weaving; however, I also see the catalytic threads that exist on a grander scale that drew them in this particular direction on a wondrous journey of creation.
These threads exist for groups or when trying to build relationships as well. Networking groups, for example, should desire to provide networking support for people in their burgeoning efforts to establish places for themselves, and it should echo in every nuance of the experience you have at one of these gatherings. The greater the intensity of a networking group toward focusing on the success of this networking concept, the more prosperous the group will be—a goal that is common to us all.
When building relationships for your business outside of established networking groups, mutual support is just as important. You must be willing to share your own expertise with those who need it. The return may not come directly from that person, but your influence will be felt by others.
This focused and inclusive approach creates threads that connect your efforts to a strong spiritual movement in the world—a move to reach beyond the obstacles we place between us by instead focusing on our similarities. In other words, seeking to integrate, to work as a whole by bringing everyone together in harmony. I believe this movement exists outside the conscious awareness of most, but people are responding to it, nonetheless. The power of any networking lies in providing a "safe place" for people to relate without the barriers we usually allow to exist between us.

When two or more persons get together with common interests or goals, often you can "feel" the energy. People have even said they get a "high," psychologically speaking, from being with certain groups of people. Science tells us that as two objects begin interaction, what was once potential energy (energy that was unavailable to you) becomes kinetic energy or energy in motion. When the objects cease to move, the kinetic energy is released, and therefore, available.
So, it is the connection that occurs between people which unlocks this potential energy. The most dramatic results happen when this released energy is channeled toward a specific goal. It generates enthusiasm and creativity! It opens doors you never even considered before!
When people use this energy to connect, they are rewarded with feelings of elation, joy, accomplishment and of being in the flow of life. This is the energy you should feel with any networking that is focused on the success of everyone involved. If your meet others with this kind of networking in mind, the Universe will respond with continual bursts of energy that energize you long after you've gone your separate ways. What a blessing!

Do not be surprised by the tremendous momentum gained by people with this mindset. The sheer force of all the energy being released will propel you all forward. You’ll have the potential of creating authentic communities which not only serve the individual but nurture harmony on a much grander scale.
Setting aside our differences [Integration] so that we can access the abundance of kinetic energy available to us when we come together in support of one another [Connection] will undeniably result in a tremendous rush toward achievement for all involved [Momentum].