Spiritual Psychology
MindSlap! Shifting Your Perspective From Conditioned Reactions to Conscious Choices
Because many prefer the written word over listening when they are trying to absorb new information, the Williamsens published a paperback edition of their award-winning audio book It's Your Move! Hope you enjoy!
Self-growth is about more than thinking positive thoughts! You can learn the skills and techniques that empower you to

MINDSLAP!™ is a term we coined because it creates a visual for a life-changing discipline called conscious shock. This refers to the spiritual discipline of deliberately shifting from a conditioned reaction to a conscious choice. This shift in attention gives you the time you need to make a choice whether to respond as a thinking, creative being or react like a mindless machine. If your choice is to not be a machine, you need to know about conscious shock.
MindSlap! - the book - and the audio book It's Your Move! (available from author) will explain how it works in your life and how learning how to use the Creative Process will enhance your life.
MindSlap! - the book - and the audio book It's Your Move! (available from author) will explain how it works in your life and how learning how to use the Creative Process will enhance your life.
Metaphysical Minute Philosophy on the Run
It is my hope that my thoughts and experiences will resonate with you and encourage you to express your own on the pages I provided. Essays such as mine should serve only as a catalyst for your own thoughts—for it is only through thinking and feeling for yourself that you can truly grow into understanding. Your ability to successfully create the life you desire depends on your level of understanding. Unfortunately understanding cannot be passed from one to another intact. Regardless of a person's understanding, he or she can only pass along knowledge through books or word of mouth. Understanding is a personal concept. It develops from your individual use of such knowledge. In other words, it is the end product of knowledge that has been immersed in your own thoughts and feelings and applied in your life. You have to walk the walk yourself.
Metaphysical Minute is a breath of fresh air in the saturated field of personal evolution. Clarity, insight, and passion punctuate these powerful essays on the concepts that form the foundation for everyone's journey toward spiritual understanding. Metaphysics is simply “an approach to self-knowledge that reaches beyond the belief that it is what we do that is important. It searches always for the path that creates healing within one’s soul.” (Dannye Williamsen) Kindle available through Amazon.com. However, fifty-three essays with journal pages in the paperback spiral version only available from author HERE. |
Note from the author:
Metaphysical Minute – Philosophy on the Run originated as an answer to a need I experienced when I first began to understand that I was a spiritual being having a human experience as Teilhard so wonderfully expresses it. As in many fields, it seemed that those who were familiar with the terminology didn't always slow down long enough to discuss the basic ideas with the newly arrived. Two decades later in 2002, I found myself writing those essays myself. At the time it seemed the best place to share them was online. So early in 2003 I started an e-newsletter with the same name as this book and published a new issue each week for over a year. In 2004 the demands of publishing a 5 CD audio book began to encroach on my time, and I found it necessary to suspend the publication of the newsletter. Even after I ceased publishing it, I was still warmed by the emails I received from subscribers and the encouragement to publish the essays in print form. As a result of those wonderfully supportive words, this book manifested. |
Where Do I Go From Here? 10 Things to Consider Moving Forward
Does It Feel Like Life Has Let You Down?
It can be so discouraging when you have worked hard and seen no real return. Your life can begin to cycle between hope and disappointment until you feel that nothing works for you. You see those around you prospering, and you can’t understand it. Why not me? you ask. Then you wake up one morning and ask an age-old question: Where do I go from here? You thought you were on your right path, expressing your passion, but it seems to have fallen on deaf ears. Whether you’re young, old, or somewhere in-between, this moment is when you can make the greatest decision of your life. Stop looking to life for your answers. Clean the lens through which you view life. Examine your inner world as you move forward. |
The 12-step Business Plan for the Soloprenuer Clarify Your VIsion
Do you need a business plan? The simple answer to this question is “Yes!” I remember a time when most people thought a formal business plan was only necessary if you were going to borrow money from the bank. So they created a plan that was as embellished as possible to convince the bank they were a good investment. The truth is that everyone needs a business plan. You don't have to go to the great extremes that the bank might require, but you certainly need a plan.
In order to achieve success, you need to know where you are and where you want to be. This is crucial: it's the bare bones of your plan. It is the element that creates polarity in your life, and it is what sets the Law of Attraction in motion. Once you determine what your end game is, then you start to build the foundation to support it. This involves developing that business plan I just mentioned. A formal business plan has certain established elements in it. In this book, however, we are going to talk about a plan that isn't meant for banks. I want you to use this as a means of clarifying for yourself where you want to go, how you plan to get there, and who you want to be when you arrive. There are 12 steps in this process of developing a clear vision for your business. It is not a traditional business plan or used only for start-ups. It is designed to start-up or to jumpstart your business if it is stalling out. Even if your business is going well, a mental check-up can sometimes take it to new heights of success! |
Once you’ve created a clear vision, type it up and keep it handy so that you can review it every day, if possible, or at least once a week.
This business plan is designed to help you clarify for yourself:
This business plan is designed to help you clarify for yourself:
- where you want to go
- how you plan to get there, and
- whom you want to be when you arrive.