How would you feel if you knew that the change in your mood indicates a change into a different personality?
Think of your relationship with your subpersonalities like this. You are the master of a house that has hundreds of servants. You are gone a lot so the servants are in fierce competition to see who will be in charge. Each has its own agenda which ends the moment another personality wrests leadership from him. Have you ever known someone that being able to deal with them required your being aware of which "mood" they were in? Can you see that the same thing is true of you? Some people are more asleep to their subpersonalities, but we all have them. Do you get the idea?
Why am I bothering to tell you this?
The actions of these subpersonalities within you are the reason your best intentions are so easily forgotten and why goals must be written down and rehearsed each day. The subpersonality in charge today may not be the one who gave intention or set the goals. To accept that there is only one "I" in your life is to set yourself up for failure because you are living in the illusion of an imaginary "I". The key to success is to recognize the roles these subpersonalities play in your life and heal them.