My dilemma was that he looked like he was doing that well! To make a long story short, it was apparently having a positive impact on him. So I decided to try saying it myself.
At first, I was very self conscious because saying it felt out of character for me. It felt like I was lying to myself, and many times I didn't really feel as though I were doing that well. However, from the very start I enjoyed the reaction I was getting from people. Some just smiled. Some cringed, giving me that familiar look that said, "I wonder if he really believes that?" What I noticed, though, was that regardless of my mood at that moment, I always felt better after saying, ""I'm doing better than I ever thought possible!"
For most of us, our lives don't change in large ways. They change a little at a time, and much of this change happens because of what we say to ourselves. Many books have been written about the power of "self talk" and how it can influence your life in either a positive or negative way.
How do you know if you say to someone, "I'm doing better than I ever thought possible! that it will not only change you, but will also ignite in others the desire to think more positively? Go ahead and try it! It will grow on you as well as in you. You may find yourself enjoying your life despite what is going on around you.