How does this happen? Are we not in charge of our minds?
Of course, we are! The problem is that we don't seem to realize it. We let ourselves be convinced that the random thoughts created by our past experiences have more power than we do. So we give in to them. We convince ourselves the words are some spirit whispering in our ear or our intuition when most of the time this is in fact a bunch of baloney!
If we want to do something, and
- we don't let the "voices in our heads" get in the way of our critical thought processes,
- we move our feet to accomplish the things or the training necessary in the physical world, and
- we don't give up,
Question Popping Up in Your Head Right Now?
I imagine some of you are wondering how you tell the difference between the “voices in your head” and your intuition. Intuition, unlike the voices in your head, is like a rope that dangles within your grasp. Its guidance is always directed toward the fulfillment of your desires that move you in the direction of becoming a fully conscious creator. The voices in your head, however, tend to bounce off past negative experiences and often lead you into reactionary states of mind. Intuition will not do this.
The message on this image puts equal power in your hands, in other words, in the doing in the outer world. In my humble opinion, the mind is more powerful. The workings of the mind direct your hands. Both are necessary for your desires to manifest, but the mind determines the purity of the outcome.