Purpose often centers around outer works, which naturally receive the highest accolades from others. However, these intentions are not usually the hardest to achieve. The more difficult aim is also the most important. Because you can only demonstrate what you understand, the most essential purpose is that which takes place quietly and methodically within the inner world of your psyche, tempering that which you desire to let go and embracing that which you desire to enhance. This inner purpose establishes the level of your spiritual understanding as you patiently observe and adjust your interactions with your inner self and with those around you. Outer works are enhanced and measured by the energy expended in your inner realm.
A purpose may not always have a positive agenda even if it appears so on the surface. Using good works in the outer to validate yourself is simply an escape from the real work of investigating and reconciling the conflicting facets of your personality. The drive to do this inner work is necessary because you are the vessel through which Spirit flows into the world. Even the purest water will be influenced by the vessel from which it is poured. A vessel filled with muck cannot dispense pure water. This is why your works in the outer world will always correlate with the progress you are making in your inner world. You cannot manifest or pour forth at a higher level of expression than the one which exists within you.
Purpose, whether focused inward or outward, is inextricably linked to your creative birthright. Developing a purpose requires the conscious use of the creative process in your life, which is laid out metaphorically in the seven days of creation. The creative process is the foundation for all your experiences because Spirit uses the laws of the universe to work through you. One of these laws is the Law of Attraction. The creative process is the method through which your desire aligns with the Law of Attraction. This process works consciously or by default. Having a purpose or intent in your life focuses your attention on the creation of a conscious desire. Thus, you are actively working toward the expression of your creative birthright. You are striving toward at-one-ment with Spirit, and what greater purpose can there be?
Power? Yes, purpose has power. It makes you consciously aware of your choices and gives you opportunities to self-remember – to rise above worldly aims and reconnect with the Divine. Purpose will eventually demand that you embrace your creative birthright if its aim is to be met. The true power of purpose, however, is that it ultimately brings you face to face with the power of Spirit.
Scribblings on Empowerment