Why does this matter? It matters because it can drag YOU backward. It can dredge up and activate negative attitudes you've been working to release.
We are in a time of great change as humans. The key to permanent change is to recognize you cannot hold onto the past. Release it in whatever form it takes. It may be represented through:
- hoarding of things to keep the past safe
- attachment to memories of past efforts to reach goals that failed
- attachment to an image you have of yourself based on experiences and what you believe are others' ideas of you
- constant stirring up of old fears that emerged from the past.
Can you see how ALL these things have a vibration or a feeling attached to them that holds you in the past? How can you expect to move into a NEW way of thinking, feeling and responding if you refuse to shed the OLD?
It's not possible for the same reason you can't put new wine into old wineskins. If you truly desire change in your life, then you are saying you want to let go of the old understanding and the old relationship you had with life. You want to vibrate or interact with life at a higher level. You want to see greater possibilities and reach for your highest potential.
You cannot do this except by looking forward. You can continue to metaphorically look over your shoulder by hanging onto the past out of fear of losing who you are, but you won't have the strength to move forward. Why? Because your baggage will be too heavy for you to carry!
Scribblings on Empowerment