In real life we know that a mirror always reflects what is put before it—what we see is what we get, so to speak. But what would happen if you had a mirror that told you who you are rather than what you look like? How often would you have the courage to look at it?
In a sense, your life is like a mirror that tells you who you are rather than what you imagine yourself to be. Your experiences, social relationships, and financial status are reflections of who you are. Of course, who you are is a mix of thoughts and feelings. You are aware of some of these, but most you aren’t because much of what you call conscious thought is more of a habit. To a degree you can change your world by manipulating your outer experiences. Real change, however, is much more complex. This change requires that you go to the source, which is a blending of your thoughts and feelings.
A Thinking Center
You are a thinking center within the infinite mind of God. This sounds pretty highfalutin, but it’s true. Ernest Holmes said, “There is a power in the universe greater than you are, and you can use it.“ In truth, you are always using this power whether you know it or not. After all, you’re always thinking something. You can couple your thoughts and feelings with the creativity of the Universe to shape your world like air shapes a balloon. It’s up to you whether the thoughts and feelings flowing into your “balloon” are twisted and distorted or represent your heart’s desire or what is best for you.
Remember that your life is like the mirror on the wall. It is reflecting back to you the result of those thoughts and feelings you joined with the creative energy of the Universe. This same energy is open to manifesting your greatest experience as well as your greatest disaster.
A Mental Equivalent
Put in simple terms, everything in your life is the result of a mental equivalent—a reflection of an attitude held in your mind that attracts the circumstances to support it. So, if you desire something in your life, you must develop the mental equivalent for it. If you desire something removed, you must reduce the energy you put into it by focusing on what you do want. If you want radiant health, you must create the mental equivalent of health. If you want prosperity, you must create the mental equivalent of abundance.
In some instances, your mental equivalent obscures your true potential because you are seeing the world and the people in it through the haze of frustration. You always determine the level on which you interact with people. If you make contact on the level of consciousness that another person appears to function, then you are locked within the framework of this level. In other words, you are allowing them to decide your reaction to them. You cannot change other people, but you do have complete control over your reaction to them. Changing your reactions to circumstances is a crucial step in personal change. What happens when you change? You begin living a different life.
Jesus said that there are many mansions in the kingdom, and that this kingdom is within. He was saying that in us there are many levels of awareness (kingdoms). We choose the level in which we wish to exist. In the Bible it talks of an encounter Jesus had with a dastardly character named Zacharias. Zacharias was a New Testament version of Scrooge. He was a grasping, greedy materialist. After talking with Jesus, he saw the error of his ways and decided to return with interest all he had gotten from his crafty thievery.
If you precondition your contact with a person with an attitude of mistrust, the mental equivalent will return a reason for you not to trust them. If you precondition your contact with this attitude— “I am established in the flow with God and all people”— it does not guarantee your world will be completely peaceful and harmonious, but it will get that way. You can never change the world, but you can change the feeling you have about it. Changing the feeling you have about the world changes what you see in it and your feelings about it, and this changes what you attract.
Once you change yourself, you affect those around you who are receptive to new ways of being. Jesus always saw the best in people—even the Pharisees. What did Jesus tell Zacharias? We don’t know, but he might have said, “Zacharias, my friend, you are a much better person than you know. The fact that you made such an effort to see me proves that you have the right stuff and are ready to change.” It’s interesting to note that Zacharias means “Jehovah has penetrated.”
“Two men look out through the same bars: one sees mud, and the other stars.” What you see is what you’ll get. Life is your mirror, and it gives you a perfect image of whatever you are thinking, imaging, and feeling. You are a unique creative center in the universe. No one can bring the same ideas into being that you can because you are one of a kind. So, use your life as your mirror to determine your mental equivalent. Let it be your litmus test, indicating where you need to refine your thoughts and feelings to better express who you are.