Believing that we are spiritual beings having a human experience opens us up to the vastness of God or whatever you believe created the Universe. No matter how much one denies the existence of a Higher Power, at some point as one winds their way back through the history of the Universe, there was a creative moment that lies far beyond our ability to envision as we experience this human life. Realizing this opens our minds to a broader perspective on the Universe and or role in this life.
The Forces in Our Lives
Why does this matter? It matters because it helps one to understand the forces that exist in our world, forces that provide the structure of our existence and ultimately its nature.
Do you recall Newton’s Laws of Motion? Newton observed that an object remains static unless another force acts upon it. He also observed that a moving object doesn’t stray from its path unless another force causes it to do so. (Newton’s First Law)
In his Second Law of Motion, he observed that the movement of an object only accelerates or decelerates when another force acting on it is either greater or lesser, respectively, than the force of the moving object.
In his Third Law of Motion, Newton’s familiar axiom is often quoted: “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.” This means that when a force is applied to an object, the force of that object pushes back in an equal, but opposite amount.
In spiritual philosophy, we identify these laws as First Force, Second Force, and Third Force (not linearly related however to the numbering of Newton’s Laws). In the world of our personal creativity, this translates in simple terms to the following. First Force is your desire for something in your life. Second Force is made up of all your doubts, the garbage you’ve picked up along the way that denigrates your dream. This is where the “equal and opposite reaction” comes in. Your dream is static. So what do you need to break the stalemate?
You need a Third Force, which is also called a Conciliatory Force. This force involves the nature of your choices in life. These choices can either support your desire or support your doubts. The choices you make will remove your desire from a static, wishful-thinking status and either accelerate or decelerate the manifestation of your desire. These forces not only apply to our personal desires, they also apply to the collective desires of a group of like minds.
Understanding how the forces influence what we think and do both as individuals and collectively can have a tremendous impact on resolving the divisiveness in the world. It is about Consciousness. This is a word that is often considered New Age or just a word that indicates you’re not in a coma. Instead, one’s consciousness is the opening of oneself to the flow of energy that is Source or God, that Higher Power we cannot define. Everyone has consciousness, and it is always changing. However, your choices will determine the Conciliatory Force you apply to yourself and thus, the direction of your path. As noted, this also applies to those of like-mind.
If you insist on seeing yourself as a human having a spiritual experience, your path toward increased awareness decelerates. Your contribution to the vibrational level of consciousness of the human race serves as an oppositional force.
If instead you begin embracing yourself as a spiritual being, a viable expression of that unknown Source, not only will your path toward increased consciousness accelerate, your contribution to the vibrational level of consciousness of the human race will move us all closer to unity.
The reason I’ve approached this subject is because of all the things taking place in our society these days. The actions of those who see themselves as merely humans and thus feel the need to exercise control over others to come out on top is a perfect scenario for illustrating the workings of First and Second Forces. From my perspective, First Force is those people who desire peace and equality and love. Second Force is those people who are filled with fear, insecurity, and anger and are letting these negative emotions determine their actions. Their fear is inciting their need to control everyone else, to keep things from changing. Why do you think they keep talking about the “good old days?”
The important issue at this time is for us to be fully aware of Third Force, for it will determine which force, First or Second, becomes our collective path. As noted, Third Force is established through our choices. In other words, if those of us whose First Force is to seek unity allow those who favor divisiveness (our equal and opposite Second Force) to catch us up in their negative emotions, our Third Force will become weighted toward the intentions of Second Force. It will determine the path the world is on. Recall what Newton said about how a moving force does not change its path unless another force causes it to do so. Our desire for peace and love (First Force) can be knocked off its path by our reactions to Second Force or vice versa, depending on our choices.
So What’s the Deal with Baby Boomers and Gen Xers?
In listening to the news these days, I hear a lot of people lumping all Baby Boomers and Gen Xers in the same category, i.e., the root of our troubles. There’s also a lot of lumping going on with the different races. This contributes to divisiveness and increases the power of Second Force. From a spiritual perspective, despite the obstacles they encountered, many of those born before 1980 contributed a great deal to a rise in consciousness, one that has spawned in the Millennials and the later generations a greater awareness of their value as spiritual beings having a human experience.
Of course, I’m sure the first thought that popped in your head was this: Then why are we still in the middle of fighting for our lives? It may seem inane, but we are at a crucial point in our existence in this country and on this planet. With the advent of the newer generations, the two forces mentioned have reached a schism between their two perspectives on life. This is when choices will be made. Will we reach out and draw to us all those who support peace and equality and love so that this First Force is able to manifest in our world? Or instead, do we engage in fighting fear, insecurity, and anger with those same negative emotions? If we do, all is lost. Don’t doubt for a second that those I defined as Second Force will fight for their lives to maintain the path they are on.
There is a popular saying that when it seems life is falling apart, it may actually be falling into place better than expected. These are the times we are in. This is why we must stop drawing lines in the sand between generations or races. We must look into the hearts of those around us if we want to bring out the desire driving First Force and manifest unity in America and around the world.
As Gandhi said, “Our ability to reach unity in diversity will be the beauty and test of our civilization.” There is a clear path. Focus on the things that will make change. Reaching out to all those who need to be seen, no matter their race or age, make our voices clear as to our goals, and make sure every citizen is helped to reach their voting place, and everyone knows how important it is to participate in this change in a positive way.
©2023 Dannye Williamsen