Don't let this happen. All you have is the NOW. Of course, you are taking action in the present so that your future will be even better, but the truth is that the future doesn't really exist. The most important thing to realize is that your future is affected by how you treat your present! If you put your family and friends off in favor of being a workaholic, then when your business goals unfold, you may find you are celebrating alone.
You have likely heard someone tell you that you should examine your past, but never try to live there. Well, the other side of this coin is that you can plan for the future, but don't spend all your time "living" there morning, noon, and night.
My husband and I were BFFs. We talked about everything and spent nearly all our time together. But, nearly losing him thrice over the period of a decade made me more aware of how precious every moment I had with him was. When he passed away in 2020, my primary regret was that I hadn't realized this sooner, that is, during the time before he was ill.
Don't put it off! Make a promise to yourself to value yourself and your family and your friends as much as you value your business goals.
It will enrich and balance your life. You may even discover that your business will unfold in a grander fashion than you ever dreamed possible!