Many of you are familiar with the concept that "thoughts are things." It affirms that your reality forms first in your mental world. What this short statement does not make clear to the neophyte is that nothing is ever created by the energy of thought alone. There are three forces necessary for manifestation or the creation of your desire:
• One is your idea— your thoughts;
• Two is the emotional energy you invest in those thoughts; and
• Three is the harmonizing force.
Every creation requires all three forces. Applying less than three produces only wishful thinking. Your thoughts simply float unless you invest emotional energy in them.
The third force is very important. It synthesizes your creation based on the balance you achieve between your thoughts and feelings. Counter-productive, or negative, thoughts and feelings that are part of that mix can have a devastating effect on your creation if you are not aware of them. They can dilute your manifestation to the point that you don’t even recognize it or they can neutralize your desire so that nothing seems to happen. This is when the intense work of change [personal growth] takes place.
You must use your inherent wisdom to discern which thoughts and feelings conflict with your conscious desire. You need to be aware enough to realize when you are coming under the influence of such negative thoughts or feelings so you can consciously shift your attention toward what you desire. Don't waste your time trying to figure out why some negative belief exists in your mind because it's not necessary to fortify yourself against it. Invest your energies instead toward recognizing these types of thoughts and feelings and steering your attention back toward your desire.
So, as you embark on a new creation, remember that once your emotions are invested in an idea, you will create something, but it will reflect the balance reached between your thoughts and feelings. So, if you really want this new creation, honestly ask yourself:
• Are my thoughts and feelings counteracting each other?
• Am I even aware of what my true feelings are?
• Are there thoughts present in my mind that do not support my desire?
Becoming a Conscious Creator is the only way you can actively influence the end result. You must aggressively engage in sifting and sorting your thoughts and feelings and keep your eye on your goal. Otherwise you spend your time wondering why life is so unfair. I mean, after all, you worked hard on your project. Unfortunately, it doesn’t really matter what you do in the outer unless the proper balance is struck between your thoughts and feelings, and this requires intense conscious effort. Thus, the truly important work is done within.
Thoughts and feelings and the balance that exists between them have been the topic of philosophical/psychological discussions for centuries. Achieving a functional balance requires acknowledging that psychologically you are androgynous. Denial of this truth creates conflict within your own psychology and in your relationships with others. This ageless concept is described in the eros and logos of the I-Ching, the yin and the yang, and the anima and animus of C.G. Jung as well as in the metaphorical stories that relate the formation of humankind in sacred writings.
The animus or the masculine energy is represented as the intellect or thoughts. The anima or the feminine energy is represented as the emotions or feelings. Understanding how these energies impact your life requires releasing all biases and societal conditioning regarding the sexes so that you observe these energies in a purely psychological context. All of the concepts mentioned are ultimately related to wholeness. If you view the word androgynous in terms of wholeness, you recognize that anything which is androgynous includes within the whole both elements necessary for creation. Therefore, from a purely psychological perspective, you are androgynous. You are whole, containing within yourself the energies necessary for you to function as a creative being—in other words, the three forces I mentioned earlier.
Bottom Line
So, the bottom line is: You have everything you need to create your goals within you. You just have to make the effort to understand how the energies work together and learn how you can fine-tune them to achieve your desire. You are inherently a creative being, that is, always creating your life whether you are aware of it or not. So, why not invest the necessary effort to understand the process through which your life unfolds?
For more information, read MindSlap! (