The bad news is—there's no such service out in the world anywhere. The good news is—you are hard-wired to create your own personal angel called a Self-observer, and it's FREE! It is an extension of your Higher Self, which is why it is objective, non-judgmental.
Your Self-Observer is an ever present part of yourself that whispers in your ear to wake you up to what is going on. It is not your conscience because there is no guilt or celebration connected to it. It simply observes and reports. The rest is up to you.
It takes time to develop your Self-Observer—time and a full commitment to the work of change. It is especially useful in working with your subpersonalities! (We'll talk about these another day.)
One last thing: Remember when we talked last time about the NOW? Well, developing the Self-observer helps you move toward having more conscious control of the wanderings of your mind and the less than desirable actions that may follow. It brings you closer to living in the NOW.