I'm seeing late summer/autumn wildflowers beginning to pop up amongst the disappearing stands of meadow beauties, coreopsis, orchids, and fleabane that have been slowly fading away. It's kind of sad to no longer see patches of familiar flowers along the wayside. Yet, it's pretty cool to have a change of scenery to liven up my morning.
There's one particular farm road that's only used to plant, monitor, and harvest the cornfields. The rest of the time, it's left to grow as it wishes. It's one of my favorite loops. The walking gets quite challenging as grass covers the rutted path, but it's worth the effort to experience nature as it's supposed to be.
I've seen plants along that road that I haven't seen anywhere else. Some of the flowers seem to appear like magic. One day, only greenery borders the trail, and the next, new life greets me as I stroll along.
I wasn't able to walk that track for a week after tons of rain flooded a section of the road. When it finally dried out enough to navigate, I was amazed at how much the vegetation had changed. The only familiar wildflowers were mountain mint (Pycnanthemum flexuosum) and bitter sneezeweed (Helenium amarum).