The Price of Wisdom It is so easy to carry hurt feelings on our shirtsleeves over what seems important between loved ones. After all, we have years to reconcile our differences. But, our choices divide us until Life creates its own wall, leaving us adrift with our relationships forever torn. The hindsight afforded by age can reveal our poor choices if we are open to looking at our life with an open mind. Yes, there’s pain when we see what we threw away without a care. Still, the wisdom of age can come if we see our life’s choices with clear eyes and an open heart, willing to forgive ourselves. We cannot change our past. It served its purpose. We must move on with a greater understanding for living a better life. This is the purpose of existence: to learn from our choices. |
It is not about putting on a show for others to see, or tallying how many we convert to our way of thinking. The only changes we can control are the ones to ourselves. These changes will shift the balance of positive energy in the world and help transform the Universe, but it starts with our willingness to be open and receptive learners. We have no time to waste on regrets or on pity parties. Although we often assume that the phrase wisdom comes with age refers to old age, it doesn’t. Every year we age, we have the opportunity to learn, to review our choices, to change. Wisdom always awaits us. The price? Doing the work of change. ©Dannye Williamsen |