are much aware this is a planet of lessons, for every breath we breathe fuels yet another.
The point of contention among us all is the purpose of those lessons - to punish or inspire?
Though it matters not what stand we take, for if we believe it, then it is so.
The beauty of the lessons lies in their willingness to be molded into whatever shape we desire.
Lessons can take the form of an abusive spouse, a disagreeable employer, or an ungrateful child.
They can just as easily become a supportive partner, an exciting job, or loving children.
The question becomes “Why?” The answer lies in what we expect for ourselves.
If we see ourselves as wayward children, the lessons feed our need for discipline.
As prodigals returning to claim our Divine birthright, the lessons are our fuel and our compass.
To punish or inspire is not a question, but rather a decision we each make about our path this time.
Through our thoughts, our own beliefs, we create the cues, good or bad, that direct our lives.
Our reality is unique. Our reality is fluid. It moves easily through the channel like a smooth, flowing river.
Even the turbulence we feel in our lives is in harmony with our beliefs, with what we accept for ourselves.
So the river of our Reality is always at peace, in perfect balance. Such is its beauty and power.
I wonder if I will awaken enough to push aside my sleepiness, my tendency to leave things as they are.
Will I use my inner wisdom to see beyond what is before me in form? Or will I drift back to sleep –
thinking my short sojourn on this planet of lessons is the measure of who I am?
Ashes to ashes. Dust to dust. Some will survive. Some will not. This attitude is one of punishment.
Waking up is learning I am more than this one life, this form, that I’m a piece of God. This is inspiration!
© Dannye Williamsen