Living in the Past Living in the past is a recipe for disaster. If it is full of negatives, that same mindset finds its way into the life you live in the present. If it’s full of positives and you choose to live there, it inhibits your ambition and your creativity now. Living in the past tends to pull you like a magnet into a world that played its part in all those lives, a part meant to offer opportunities for rising above the struggles designed to make you stronger. Life is about change, and change requires overcoming. Progress isn’t about retaliation, reprisal, or reparation. It is about learning as individuals and nations from our mistakes of the past so we don’t keep creating the same circumstances in our present. How? By not investing all our energies into the past. As long as we live in the past, fighting for justice for past wrongs, we don’t create balanced solutions, solutions that will lead to peace and understanding. Our intensity creates new imbalances with which to deal. Focusing on the negative past will never solve anything. Even for those whose pasts seem to be enviable, living there denies them creativity needed to draw from their past experiences and move forward. Creativity increases as one learns from experiences. Reliving past success does not lead to more success. Progress can only be made if the gifts offered by living are used to improve oneself and all humankind for we’re all connected in spirit. Emotions like anger and retribution only serve to keep the world in continual states of imbalance. Living in the past often leads to fear of the future along with other negative attitudes and approaches, which don’t bring solutions, only more problems. The true gifts of the past are there if we open our hearts and choose to use it to create a better future for all. ©DWilliamsen |
Living in the past is not a good thing. This doesn’t mean that we pretend the past didn’t happen. It means that we don’t stop moving forward. We are living in a time where many people are trying to return to the past. This is not good as a nation and certainly not as individuals.
I wrote this earlier, but even now, with three years gone by, things are still the same. My husband passed on May 22, 2020. I love you, John
You can always find something in your life to love. If not, you’re not looking hard enough or with an open heart.
Time feels different when you’re young compared to when you move along in years. Youth sees five years as a long time. Yet, when you pass the half-century mark, five years seems like the blink of an eye. This is when you fully realize how precious time is.
Negative emotions are never the fault of others. Others simply provide the opportunity for us to make choices about how we choose to respond to life.
Dannye Williamsen