Caregiving may seem a bit off-topic to you on the Scribblings Blog, but it really isn’t. Greta and I both spent years caregiving our husbands. Emotions are amazing tools for a writer. For me, overwhelming emotions seemed to awaken my writer muse and allow me to release my feelings digitally into the world.
If any of you reading this are or have been caregivers, you know that you strive to hide your fears, your frustrations, your feelings of inadequacy from your loved one. They have enough with which to deal without your dumping on them. Ergo, the reason for the writings that emerged, especially when my husband's health deteriorated to where he was totally dependent on me.
The Journey of a Caregiver is a compilation of many, but not all my free verse during that time. After my husband passed, I was able to share this with a local hospice group to offer to other caregivers. I have made it free here on Sweet and Sassy Scribblers because I have learned that caregiving by and for loved ones is much more prevalent than one would imagine.
If you’re not a caregiver, it’s okay to download it anyway. *smile* You can read it and offer it to someone you know who is currently taking care of a loved one.
It is available on our Well-being page in a PDF format.
Be sure to subscribe to the Sweet & Sassy blog, so you never miss out on any of our posts!
If any of you reading this are or have been caregivers, you know that you strive to hide your fears, your frustrations, your feelings of inadequacy from your loved one. They have enough with which to deal without your dumping on them. Ergo, the reason for the writings that emerged, especially when my husband's health deteriorated to where he was totally dependent on me.
The Journey of a Caregiver is a compilation of many, but not all my free verse during that time. After my husband passed, I was able to share this with a local hospice group to offer to other caregivers. I have made it free here on Sweet and Sassy Scribblers because I have learned that caregiving by and for loved ones is much more prevalent than one would imagine.
If you’re not a caregiver, it’s okay to download it anyway. *smile* You can read it and offer it to someone you know who is currently taking care of a loved one.
It is available on our Well-being page in a PDF format.
Be sure to subscribe to the Sweet & Sassy blog, so you never miss out on any of our posts!