Interview between Darian Beel, the antagonist in Second Chances, a paranormal suspense novel, and the author, Dannye Williamsen.
Dannye: Today we have with us someone whom some find less than likeable: Mr. Darian Beel. Darian, thinking back to when you first entered Fredrika Marsh’s life, what were your feelings about her?
Darian: I had no feelings about her at all. I was only interested in the purpose she could serve.
Dannye: Please explain to our readers what you mean by “the purpose.”
Darian: (Straightens his posture and looks straight into Dannye’s eyes, seeming to challenge her) I had a calling to become one with The Power. It was my opportunity to rise above all the … well, the horrible things going on in my life. I wanted to become one with the Master.
Dannye: Interesting you would use that adjective to describe your life. Don’t you think the things you did in pursuit of this “power” were just as horrible?
Darian: It never seems as horrible if it’s not happening to you. (Darian lowers his chin to his chest and picks at his thumbnail)
Dannye: (Wonders if she is seeing signs of remorse) Okay. Well, I don’t want to spoil the story for our readers, but I would like to ask if you ever have second thoughts about your choices in your battle with Avatar, the wolf?
Darian: I was very angry. Anger ramps up your adrenalin. I had to show him I was more powerful than he was. There was no room for second thoughts. (Obviously distressed by her probing, Darian rises and walks away from the interviewer.)
Dannye: (A look of surprise on her face) Well, folks, it seems there are things Darian is not willing to share with us. However, if you find the time to read Second Chances, I think you will be able to form your own opinion.
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Dannye: Today we have with us someone whom some find less than likeable: Mr. Darian Beel. Darian, thinking back to when you first entered Fredrika Marsh’s life, what were your feelings about her?
Darian: I had no feelings about her at all. I was only interested in the purpose she could serve.
Dannye: Please explain to our readers what you mean by “the purpose.”
Darian: (Straightens his posture and looks straight into Dannye’s eyes, seeming to challenge her) I had a calling to become one with The Power. It was my opportunity to rise above all the … well, the horrible things going on in my life. I wanted to become one with the Master.
Dannye: Interesting you would use that adjective to describe your life. Don’t you think the things you did in pursuit of this “power” were just as horrible?
Darian: It never seems as horrible if it’s not happening to you. (Darian lowers his chin to his chest and picks at his thumbnail)
Dannye: (Wonders if she is seeing signs of remorse) Okay. Well, I don’t want to spoil the story for our readers, but I would like to ask if you ever have second thoughts about your choices in your battle with Avatar, the wolf?
Darian: I was very angry. Anger ramps up your adrenalin. I had to show him I was more powerful than he was. There was no room for second thoughts. (Obviously distressed by her probing, Darian rises and walks away from the interviewer.)
Dannye: (A look of surprise on her face) Well, folks, it seems there are things Darian is not willing to share with us. However, if you find the time to read Second Chances, I think you will be able to form your own opinion.
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