It’s probably not a stretch for you to figure out what influenced the storyline of Circles of Freedom in 2018. After two years of bully tactics in the national political arena, behavior considered suitable for those serving in public office as well as those enlisted to their turn of mind presented the American people with a series of situations that promised to tear the idea of a civil society to shreds. It opened the narrative in America to horror; in other words, to actions intended to frighten, scare, or disgust people as is typical in bullying tactics. These engendered loathing among those who favored a civil society.
I was no different than others in being shocked by the rise of such violent negativity. Circles of Freedom was my way of establishing a safety valve for my own frustration and perhaps putting my two bits out there. Despite one’s political preferences, the storyline here is about people who stand strong in their belief in the democracy of America and are willing to step outside their comfort zones to protect it.
As authors, we all get feedback from persons who don’t appreciate the development of our characters. This happened to me when a reader jumped to conclusions about my female character as being weak after reading only a couple of chapters. In truth, she was simply in one of those crossroads in her life that can make one feel uncertain. This was all right with me because I believe in allowing my characters to develop psychologically. Life is a journey after all, learning from each experience. If you were already at the finish line early in life, where would be the fun in that?
I was no different than others in being shocked by the rise of such violent negativity. Circles of Freedom was my way of establishing a safety valve for my own frustration and perhaps putting my two bits out there. Despite one’s political preferences, the storyline here is about people who stand strong in their belief in the democracy of America and are willing to step outside their comfort zones to protect it.
As authors, we all get feedback from persons who don’t appreciate the development of our characters. This happened to me when a reader jumped to conclusions about my female character as being weak after reading only a couple of chapters. In truth, she was simply in one of those crossroads in her life that can make one feel uncertain. This was all right with me because I believe in allowing my characters to develop psychologically. Life is a journey after all, learning from each experience. If you were already at the finish line early in life, where would be the fun in that?

So, What Is the Gist of the Story?
When Brandon Boehle creates the Circles of Freedom blogs to strike a blow for truth, he has no idea of the loss, the love, and, the chaos it will set in motion. When the dominoes start to topple, there's a race to survive for friend and foe alike.
Brandon never imagines that a mercenary hired by the President of the United States would be out to kill not only him, but his assistant Alise Winston and the professionals who are writing the blogs. What started out as a simple, though carefully safeguarded, effort to get the truth out there has put all of them in the crosshairs. He quickly realizes that his expectations of the United States government have been naïve.
The contract put out on Circles of Freedom turns out to be the least of their worries for themselves and the country. A nefarious plot is uncovered to overthrow the government, and the players believe themselves to be untouchable. Circumstances draw Brandon and Alise and all those closest to them into this dark plot. Their only hope lies in a twist of fate.
What Are People Saying?
"You truly have a gift, I'm so blessed that you are sharing it with me. I've got a feeling about this book."
"I got so involved in the story, (you did it again)! I can't put it down ... I have to keep reading to see what happens next."
""I love it!! The story is fast-paced and very well-written.”
"A must read, Dannye. Thought provoking, intense, and topical." (a former member of U.S. Foreign Service)
When Brandon Boehle creates the Circles of Freedom blogs to strike a blow for truth, he has no idea of the loss, the love, and, the chaos it will set in motion. When the dominoes start to topple, there's a race to survive for friend and foe alike.
Brandon never imagines that a mercenary hired by the President of the United States would be out to kill not only him, but his assistant Alise Winston and the professionals who are writing the blogs. What started out as a simple, though carefully safeguarded, effort to get the truth out there has put all of them in the crosshairs. He quickly realizes that his expectations of the United States government have been naïve.
The contract put out on Circles of Freedom turns out to be the least of their worries for themselves and the country. A nefarious plot is uncovered to overthrow the government, and the players believe themselves to be untouchable. Circumstances draw Brandon and Alise and all those closest to them into this dark plot. Their only hope lies in a twist of fate.
What Are People Saying?
"You truly have a gift, I'm so blessed that you are sharing it with me. I've got a feeling about this book."
"I got so involved in the story, (you did it again)! I can't put it down ... I have to keep reading to see what happens next."
""I love it!! The story is fast-paced and very well-written.”
"A must read, Dannye. Thought provoking, intense, and topical." (a former member of U.S. Foreign Service)
Where Can You Find It? Circles of Freedom is available for purchase through Amazon: You can read reviews and learn more about my other works at the following sites: and |